Question: What is the purpose and goal of the Lake Association?
Answer: CPLA’s primary purpose is to preserve Country Pond’s beauty and value as a place that we can all enjoy for recreation. Our goal is to understand how water quality problems such as cyanobacteria and invasive weeds occur, and to potentially prevent these problems from occurring in the future.
Question: CPLA’s mission statement says part of the mission is to "protect and enhance the quality of Country Pond and its surroundings for the collective interests of our members." How exactly? By doing what?
Answer: We are working with NHDES to monitor and hopefully reduce the nutrients entering Country Pond that cause excessive weed and algae growth. We are working with NH Lakes Association to prevent the introduction of invasive weed species to Country Pond.
Question: Does CPLA have rules, bylaws or controls on the use of boats, jet skis other motorized water craft?
Answer: CPLA has nothing to do with rules or enforcement of boating rules, that’s up to Marine Patrol.
Question: Does this mean that to be a member you must have property on the water?
Answer: No, anyone with an interest in Country Pond can become a member.
Question: Does CPLA work in the same way or have the same goals as a Home Owners association?
Answer: No, both lake associations and home owners associations are run by a Board of Directors but have very different goals and funding. CPLA is a volunteer organization that is working together with its members, NHDES and NH Lakes to protect and improve the water quality in Country Pond. It has no authority over the use of the lake or property around it and dues are optional. A home owners association requires that dues be paid and can make and enforce rules regarding the land and property for which it was formed.
Question: What are the member donations used for? Does anyone get paid?
Answer: Your donations are used 100% for the programs that benefit Country Pond and to cover the operational costs of CPLA such as state and federal registrations, our website and member meetings. Board members do not receive any financial compensation for their efforts. Our annual budget will be presented at our annual members’ meeting.
Question: Are my donations tax exempt?
Answer: Yes, CPLA is registered as a tax-exempt organization with the IRS. Please see our certificate on the LINKS page.
Question: Do I have to donate to get involved?
Answer: No, anyone who is interested can join us as a “Friend” and receive our email updates. Dues paying members will be allowed to vote at our annual members’ meeting.
Question: Does CPLA’s water testing check for E. Coli?
Answer: No, the Town of Newton and the NHDES test for E. Coli along the shoreline on a periodic basis. CPLA does not have enough funding to cover the costs of testing for E. Coli, as it would more than double the program’s cost. The Voluntary Lake Assessment Program (VLAP) requires testing for total phosphorus, chlorophyll a, dissolved oxygen, visibility and several other parameters at a cost of $20/sample. E. Coli bacteria is an optional test and costs $30/sample.
Question: Does CPLA’s water testing check for pollutants from the Ottati & Goss superfund site which is adjacent to Country Pond?
Answer: No, the Voluntary Lake Assessment Program (VLAP) tests for an entirely different set of parameters. However, the EPA continues to monitor the site and does conduct well testing on properties near the site.
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